Itemisation of election campaign expenses and funding - Parliamentary elections 2023

Disclosure received 8.4.2024
Discloser’s details
Kaakkois-Suomen Vihreät ry 146.532
Summary of election campaign expenses and funding
1. Total of election campaign expenses 58 770,25
2. Total of election campaign funding 58 770,25
2.1 The funding includes a loan, total
2.2 Central government aid 6 187,22
2.3 Wellbeing services county aid
2.4 Local government aid
2.5 The funding includes contributions from private individuals, total 15 589,76
2.6 The funding includes contributions from companies, total
2.7 The funding includes contributions from others, total
2.8 Other funding sources (for example, income from business and investments, party association funding) 36 993,27
Itemisation of election campaign expenses 58 770,25
1. Total of election campaign expenses (please itemise in the fields below) 58 770,25
1.1 Newspapers, free papers and periodicals 16 445,18
1.2 Radio
1.3 Television
1.4 Information networks 8 046,79
1.5 Other media
1.6 Outdoor advertising 21 062,33
1.7 Procurement of campaign newsletters, brochures and other printed material 4 535,35
1.8 Planning of advertising campaign 1 762,39
1.9 Rallies 2 625,26
1.10 Contributions to others 2 855,00
1.11 Expenses related to personnel hired for the election campaign
1.12 Expenses related to premises used for the election campaign
1.13 Other expenses 1 437,95
Itemisation of election campaign funding 58 770,25
2. Total of election campaign funding (please itemise in the table below) 58 770,25
2.1 The funding includes a loan, total
Title of loan Repayment plan/loan period

2.2 Central government aid, total 6 187,22
Further information (for example, the number of donors, the form in which the contributions were made)
Puolueen maksama eduskuntavaalituki.

2.3 Wellbeing services county aid, total
Further information (for example, the number of donors, the form in which the contributions were made)

2.4 Local government aid, total
Further information (for example, the number of donors, the form in which the contributions were made)

2.5 The funding includes contributions from private individuals, total 15 589,76
a. The support includes contributions of EUR 1,500 or over from the following private individual
First names Family name Municipality of residence Amount of contribution
Jenni Aikio Kouvola 2 036,52
Tuula Hulkkonen 2 361,52
Hanna Holopainen Lappeenranta 1 782,08
b. The support from private individuals includes transferred contributions of EUR 1,500 or over from
First names Family name Municipality of residence Amount of contribution
Name of the company, corporation or foundation Business ID Amount of contribution
Other Business ID (if available) Amount of contribution

2.6 The funding includes contributions from companies, total
a. The support includes contributions of EUR 1,500 or over from the following companies
Name of the company, corporation or foundation Business ID Amount of contribution
b. The support from companies includes transferred contributions of EUR 1,500 or over from
First names Family name Municipality of residence Amount of contribution
Name of the company, corporation or foundation Business ID Amount of contribution
Other Business ID (if available) Amount of contribution

2.7 The funding includes contributions from others, total
a. The support includes contributions of EUR 1,500 or over from the following other stakeholders
Name Business ID (if available) Amount of contribution
b. The contributions from others include transferred payments of EUR 1,500 or over from
First names Family name Municipality of residence Amount of contribution
Name of the company, corporation or foundation Business ID Amount of contribution
Other Business ID (if available) Amount of contribution

2.8 Other funding sources (for example, income from business and investments, party association funding) 36 993,27
Further information
Kohdan 2.8 summa sisältää piirijärjestön jäsenyhdistykseltä läpilaskutettuja mainoskuluja 3081,29 €, yhdistysten ehdokkaiden puolesta maksamia ehdokasmaksuja 1400 € ja 32 511,98 € puolueen piiritukea sekä edellisten vuosien ylijäämää (mm. luottamushenkilömaksuja ja kansanedustajamaksuja).
Optional itemisation
The Act on a Political Parties only lays down provisions on the minimum information that the disclosure must always contain. The disclosure may thus also contain other information besides that required by law.
Kohdan 2.5 summa sisältää ehdokasmaksuja sekä ehdokaiden läpilaskutettuja mainoskuluja. Tuula Hulkkonen on maksanut em. kulut ehdokkaan Miisa Mink puolesta.

Puolueelta on saatu palkkatukea eduskuntavaaleihin 20 033,27 €, joka piirin kirjanpidossa on kirjattu sekä kuluksi että saavuksi avustukseksi, mutta koska summa ei ole kulkenut piirin tilin kautta, sitä ei ole laskettu mukaan tämän ilmoituksen summiin.